Africa Poetry Magazine –

"A Farmer's Song" by Ritah Tumushabe


Title image shows a small, weathered wooden boat, resting on a sandbar in blue ocean water with sunset colours on the horizon.

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Published May 1, 2022

A Farmer's Song

by Ritah Tumushabe
(Kampala, Uganda)

Arise my love, dream no more
Of that which exists not
Of the wealth that'll be yours, never,
Of the love that's with you no more
Of the beauty you can only
Glance at from a distance.

Arise my love, for morning's here
And it's time to greet it. They say dreaming's
for the lazy man
And they lie not
For a dream's not going to fill your tummy
Or pay for your father's surgery.

It'll only bring sadness to the morning
When you realize what it was, only a dream.
So arise and live the life that's real and yours.

Ritah Tumushabe is a Ugandan national born and raised in Kampala. An accountant by profession. She majored in literature at her higher secondary level. Ritah has always had a passion for writing and is specifically drawn to the emotion based literature and hopes to one day be able to write poetry that moves readers. She believes a lot of wrong in this world can be changed if its written down and acknowledged.

This poem is included in Poetry World #3, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Africa Poetry Magazine:
by Rachel Chitofu

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