Canada Poetry Magazine –

"January" by Jaimen Shires


Title image shows a view of four wooden beach chairs looking toward a beach and water.

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Published August 31, 2021


by Jaimen Shires
(Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada)

the mushrooms rose and stole
a second Fall before the
Easter lilies could claim early
Spring and wetwetwet is this
month so greygreygrey when one
prays for sun to slice like knife
and all would unbutton and accept
scar across bone white chest like
Knighthood upon shadowed shoulders
into a new day that isn't so
greygreygrey and wetwetwet
and stolen by the
so brownbrownbrown and heavy
rather than the paper pastel petal
and Light. Light. Light.

Jaimen Shires is a Canadian author, born and raised in Leamington, Ontario. His work has been featured in a small handful of publications and his poetry has been recognized by the City of Maple Ridge, where he currently resides.

Previously published in Canada Poetry Magazine:
"Upon the Wind" by Steve Carter

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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
