Toronto Poetry Magazine –

"The Gift" by Anna Nike Leskowsky


Title image shows a nightime view of a series of triangles with colourful rope arranged in patterns.

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Published January 15th, 2025

The Gift

by Anna Nike Leskowsky

To My Medical Team at the Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto

It came as a promise
of a deep breath and a long walk in the park.
I waited through changing seasons
with my heart longing to go back in time.
The lineup seemed endless.
I embarked on a journey of patience,
touched by the hearts
deserving much more than I.

I was grateful for a cold room.
My skin was clean.
My veins were ready.
I closed my eyes, anticipating time to stop
and interrupt my travel into the future.
It did for a short, unstable moment
of peace and beauty.

Coming back was bitter-sweet.
My shallow breath deepened.
My steps got stronger.
The welcoming light negotiated a delay,
offering a perfectly synchronized

About the Poet
Anna Nike Leskowsky resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Read the poet's biography on Anna Nike Leskowsky's Artist Page.

This poem is included in Poetry World #11, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Toronto Poetry Magazine:

by Emily Pike

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- Visit the main Wax Poetry and Art Submissions Page to see all opportunities.
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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
