India Poetry Magazine –

"Transitioning" by Kezia Anna


Title image shows a large number of birds lifting off from and flying near to a rooptop balcony.

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Published January 1, 2023


by Kezia Anna
(Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India)

I have always been in-between.
Some call it diplomacy, some passivity,
others maturity, and yet others – lies.

I call it transition.
A site ready for change, forever flexible.
Like the sea, always in-between
the forces of the land and the ocean.
The go-between, smoothing rough waters, launching ships, having the best
of both worlds, being itself.

I was born in-between.
It ought to be in the genes, to love the sea
and those spaces in-between,
to crave transitions.

An Ocean lover who finds life resonating with the rhythm of the waters, Kezia Anna enjoys looking for stories. When not ruminating on life, on off-days, she loves being with kids, philosophic discussions, nature walks, films, art works, and dreaming up parallel universes.

This poem is included in Poetry World #5, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in India Poetry Magazine:
My Life Saviour

by Karthika Lakshminarayanan

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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
