India Poetry Magazine –

"Monsoon Wet" by Sayani Mukherjee


Title image shows a large number of birds lifting off from and flying near to a rooptop balcony.

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Published January 1, 2023

Monsoon Wet

by Sayani Mukherjee
(Chandannagar, West Bengal, India)

Today, it might rain –
Tulle discs clouds gather around the edge
A coffee smudged rain may pour
From somewhere blue
The tip of the grass is monsoon wet.
All sipping through the fair trade of life.
A lonely cat and his silver gaze
The wide long whiskers
Keep falling a raspy shade
Over a long-queued marble floor
That keeps singing a song of
A hibiscus rhythm and lime scented candles
They vapour up
Under the steam slow budding gloom
I have gathered
A china bowl and a spoon-proof care
Today, a chaotic new moon eve may rise up
Looking at the dormant thighs
Opening up
Creaking open the utopian scale
The iced coffee is coming undone
A cultural iceberg perhaps
Practical dialogic mumblings
That length and size things up
The aura then dips down
Within a ceremony night
After a decade high
There is a twinkle in her eyes
An open, a welcome mat spread open
Wind bells on the front porch straight
That softly treads on her bosom soul
It is a June, a monsoon, a petal rose
All sipping on and off
A coffee crunched tea
With a haiku and a wind chime.

Sayani Mukherjee is a poet hailing from Chandannagar, a former French colony in West Bengal. She received her post-graduation degree in English literature from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Her creative works have appeared in various international and national magazines such as Piker Press, International Times Magazine, Medusa's Kitchen Poetry, Beatnik Cowboy Magazine, Writer's Workshop, Synchronized Chaos Magazines, Fiction Niche, and others. She likes to engage her leisure in photography, cinema, and arts.

This poem is included in Poetry World #5, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in India Poetry Magazine:

by Kezia Anna

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