Wax International –

"Sense of Motion" – Digital Illustrations by Tyrone Mckie


Title image shows a sattelite view of the whole Earth, with the northern hemisphere covered in snow.

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Published September 15th, 2024

Sense of Motion

Digital Illustrations by Tyrone Mckie

To share these photos, share this web page. Do not download these images or use them without permission.

Digital illustration shows a black woman with afro, with nose ring, reclining on a wooden chair with a guitar resting in front of her.
How Long Has it Been, digital illustration, 11" x 11"

Digital illustration shows a figure walking away, down a pier, toward a sun.
		The sun is shaped like a raindrop. 
		A large bolt of lightning is in the sky.
Impending Sense of Doom, digital illustration, 11" x 11"

Digital illustration is a portrait of a person with a tattoo of a musical note on their neck.
		Multicoloured ribbons flow out of their head.
Have You Ever Felt Yourself in Motion?, digital illustration, 11" x 11"

About the Artist
Tyrone Mckie resides in Highgate, St. Mary, Jamaica.
Read the artist's biography on Tyrone Mckie's Artist Page.

These illustrations are also included in Comet #3, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Wax International:
Meeting a Gentlewoman on a Rainy Day

by Chelsea Awang

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Wax International Poetry Magazine is part of the Wax Poetry and Art Network.
- Visit the main Wax Poetry and Art Submissions Page to see all opportunities.
- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
