Nigeria Poetry Magazine –

"Orishà's Voice" by Mary Ini Okaka


Title image shows a well-dressed man standing motionless on the street while a yellow vehicle blurs past him.

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Published May 1st, 2023

Orishà's Voice

by Mary Ini Okaka
(Benin City, Edo, Nigeria)

She sits under the cold of the dark summer storm,
hopeful eyes watching the lightning,
wishing upon Orishà...
Her little sister sleeps on; the wind caressing her,
her carefree heart rocking her.
Labake sits by her head, a silent sentry –
Her restless soul finding companionship in
the night and it's freezing hands.
The water is falling in droplets now, creating
background beats to the winds mournful howls,
the low bass of the thunder giving adding rhythm to
the night song.
There are other sounds though –
A generator rattles like a worn out old man,
a woman coming back from her store in the rain shuffles around sniffing and sneezing,
someone throws water out,
a little child runs past.
But Labake can only hear Orishà –
Like her ears were made for just him.
Her sister turns now, murmuring play words in
her sleep...
Labake smiles; the smile of a mother's soul.
Tomorrow will be fine...

Mary Ini Okaka is an over-imaginative writer with an English Education degree from the University of Benin. She dreams of winning an Oscar and her only claim to fame is her novel published in Inkitt, The Game Club. She currently resides in her home country, Nigeria, where she is interning for a career in media. When she isn't writing out her soul, she is reading or working or sleeping.

This poem is included in Poetry World #6, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Nigeria Poetry Magazine:
by Acilegna

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