NYC Poetry Magazine –

"Hospital" by Guohua Li


Title image shows a nightime view of a lit up bridge over a river and lit up buildings in the background.

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Published September 1st, 2023


A poem for Maxine

by Guohua Li
(Montebello, New York, United States)

A repairing shop,
And a healing house;
To the wood thrush with a scratched windpipe,
You are the temple of Asclepius.

A refueling station,
And a resting place;
To the sandhill crane with a broken wing,
You are the altar of Eleos.

A love shrine,
And a comfort space;
To the impassioned poet with pain,
You are the spirit of Paregoros.

Guohua Li is a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University. He writes in Chinese and English. He is the author of, The Singing Seasons, and the editor and translator of the forthcoming book, Beauty That Is Never Old – Select American Poems (Tongji University Press, Shanghai, China).

This poem is included in Poetry World #7, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in NYC Poetry Magazine:
When we met, three weeks after I moved

by Roland Park

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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
