South Africa Poetry Magazine –

"The Mother City" by Catherine McPherson


Title image shows an elephant walking across a flower meadow with white birds flying in the foreground.

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Published September 15th, 2024

The Mother City

by Catherine McPherson

A man unwraps himself with the rising sun
Slow rousing from a night on too cold sand
Relieves himself against the rocks
beneath a house for sale for more than he can fathom
He wakes to the same view for free.
Close by the children go to work
They weave between impatient cars
as grown ups loll nearby like babies
Something to escape this bedraggled day
like every other day
Please help, no home, no hope
their cardboard begs, it cries
They sadly nod to yet another pair of eyes
that look away.
And as the sinking sun spills gold on white street lines
besides old men laying out their tired bones
to steal some sleep beneath their makeshift plastic homes
the millionaires' houses twinkle empty in the dusk
like crumbs from the majestic mother's table
that stands and watches from above the city bowl
A bowl with more than enough
but not enough to go around.

About the Poet
Catherine McPherson resides in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
Read the poet's biography on Catherine McPherson's Artist Page.

This poem is included in Poetry World #10, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in South Africa Poetry Magazine:

by Siphokazi Mjijwa

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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
