Australia Poetry Magazine –

"Bone by Bone" by Olivia Campos


Title image shows a nightime view the Sydney Opera House.

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Poetry World Cup 2025 – Official Selection
Finalist for Australia

Published May 15th, 2024

Bone by Bone

by Olivia Campos

When you seek out the land in which I am bounded,
Your eyes will feast on the prey that lies frozen before you.
Nothing biological differs us two.
Only when your eyes perceive weakness,
You will eat.
And I will have no choice,
Take my eyes,
My ears,
Rip the skin off my bones,
The fat in the places you loved.
Steal my voice as yours is louder.
Though disgusting, you can gnaw on already soft brain tissue,
Stolen fond memories.

You don't pity me for what you have taken,
You take almost everything,
And though hungry,
You cannot eat bone.
The only anatomy that may break teeth when you snap a little too deep.
I thank myself,
Because when you leave these bones in the massacre of your own hunger,
I am left alone.
And I will rebuild myself,
Bone by bone.
And one day,
I will be whole again.

About the Poet
Olivia Campos resides in Quakers Hill, New South Wales, Australia.
Read the poet's biography on Olivia Campos's Artist Page.

This poem is included in Poetry World #9, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Australia Poetry Magazine:
by Megan Cartwright

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