Chicago Poetry Magazine –

"The Gusts Will Attempt to Sweep You Away" by Isa Kallieris


Title image shows a nightime view of Buckingham Fountain in Chicago.

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Published September 1st, 2023

The Gusts Will Attempt to Sweep You Away

by Isa Kallieris
(Chicago, Illinois, United States)

But hope cannot be pulled away
It is not the tail of a kite in the wind
You have a firm grip
Pull tightly

The gusts will attempt to sweep you away
Tell you that your reflection is deserving of shame
But look into the mirror

And feel your grandmother's eyes gaze into yours
She tells you to lift your shoulders to the light
To hum and sing
To take care
To take charge
To take responsibility

For if you lose hope, then it is lost
If you let go, then it is gone

They tell you that emotions are to be blocked, feared, limited
But they are energy, ambrosia, nectar

Nurture the wonder in the hearth of your soul
Acknowledge the anger that yanks at your chest

Reach out to the ones who are afraid to reach out
Take down the mask that sits on your brow
And what is private will become public
And there, you will find belonging

Words will embrace you
And your solitude will become lighter

Your pain will stitch together
In a quilt of floral patterns
And it will cover you
And give you rest and comfort
You will be understood

Hello, my name is Isa Kallieris. I study UX Design at DePaul University in Chicago. I love writing, spending time with my cat, listening to music, coding, taking photos, drinking coffee, playing guitar, and reading. Ever since I was a little kid, writing has been a tool for me to understand my emotions, and I want to share my voice with others.

This poem is included in Poetry World #7, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Chicago Poetry Magazine:
Zeroes and Ones

by Linda Imbler

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Chicago Poetry Magazine is part of the Wax Poetry and Art Network.
- Visit the main Wax Poetry and Art Submissions Page to see all opportunities.
- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
