Wax International –

"the eyeshadow shade named dirt that's actually a rich blue shimmer"
by Yi Ting Huang (Maegan)


Title image shows a sattelite view of the whole Earth, with the northern hemisphere covered in snow.

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Published September 15th, 2024

Wax International Poetry Contest #2 – First Place

the eyeshadow shade named dirt that's actually a rich blue shimmer

by Yi Ting Huang (Maegan)

starts off as a single lesson,
on hope. the stars across the skies you'd
only find them à la campagne just,
close your eyes and wish, grams muttered under
her breath. funnily enough, she couldn't speak to me yet –
words meant nothing compared to intention. love is
true and gold statement pieces and intricate patterned fabrics
that always belong to her – she'd share her crystal tears in
crystal flukes, that never really belonged. from all the
glitz in the summer breeze, you're really
bound to find something you'd remember.
they'd buy grapes ripe and waxy, you could
taste the tang of sweetness in the air,
walking back from the farmer's market in plastic bags
floating. i'd smile in response, some things good cannot
wait, because i can't keep up – it was such a funny thing,
laughing, emitting pure joy – each step taken is a step closer
to enlightenment because what is religion in the face of
true belonging? truth of love and the world, i found faith
in the smallest of things – every cherished stick and stone,
and in the rest of life, in the treacherous past of mine memories,
purr in contentment. and like fading film facing the sunlight,
the colors are pretty, like the hues at the
bottom of my teacup. religion ran in my veins,
down my face,
i dreamt of throwing my life away in
the 90's fashion, a dark russian violet and fawn-shade leather
clutches, and the glam from the mirrorball lights' hues,
i'd paint my eyes that old fading summer blue.

About the Poet
Yi Ting Huang (Maegan) resides in Shanghai, China.
Read the poet's biography on Yi Ting Huang (Maegan)'s Artist Page.

This poem is featured in Wax Poetry and Art Magazine #5, published in the Wax Poetry and Art Library.

Previously published in Wax International:

by Jorge Etcheverry

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Wax International Poetry Magazine is part of the Wax Poetry and Art Network.
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- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
