Wax Mag #5 –

"Nature Photography" by Louise Maksymetz


Photo shows a small group of young boys relaxing on the edge of a concrete pier, staring into blue water that fills most of the photo.
		The boys appear to be preparing to swim in the water.

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Published September 15th, 2024

Photography Contest #1 – First Place

Nature Photography

by Louise Maksymetz

To share these photos, share this web page. Do not download these images or use them without permission.

Closeup photo of a greenfrog on a green leaf.
Everything in green.

Closeup photo of a bee on a yellow flower.
Together we can make a difference. Help save the bees!

Closeup photo of a black, yellow, and white caterpillar on a green stalk with green leaves in the background.
It takes patience and time to fly.

About the Artist
Louise Maksymetz resides in Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada.
Read the artist's biography on Louise Maksymetz's Artist Page.

Next in Wax Mag #5:
Three Photos
by Justin-Lee Austin

Back to Wax Mag #5

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Wax Poetry and Art Magazine is part of the Wax Poetry and Art Network.
- Visit the main Wax Poetry and Art Submissions Page to see all opportunities.
- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
