Wax Poetry and Art – Emma Matus's Artist Page


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Emma Matus's Artist Page


Emma Matus is a poet and speculative fiction writer living in Austin, Texas, United States. She attended The University of Texas for her undergraduate degree, and is receiving her MFA in Creative Writing from The University of British Columbia. Her work focuses on the beauty and complexity of everyday life as a queer woman from the Southern United States.

Emma Matus's Wax Poetry and Art Publications

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September 15th, 2024 in Texas Poetry Magazine
The Billboard Over the Waco Kolache Shoppe
by Emma Matus
(Austin, Texas, United States)

Artist Collection Status
– 1 out of 12.
– At 12 publications, an Artist Collection will be published in the Library.

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- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Submissions page.
- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
