Wax Poetry and Art – Hope Cotton's Artist Page


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Hope Cotton's Artist Page


Hope Cotton is studying Political Communication and Creative Writing at Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand. Her intersectional identity as a Deaf, Disabled, and Queer young woman serves as inspiration for her poetry. She loves to write, and her other passion is advocacy. Hope is involved in advocating for increased accessibility for the Deaf and Disabled, acceptance of the LGBTQIA community in the church, and increased youth involvement in government decision making.

Hope Cotton's Wax Poetry and Art Publications

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Published May 15th, 2024 in New Zealand Poetry Magazine
Personas of a Poet
by Hope Cotton
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Artist Collection Status
– 1 out of 12.
– At 12 publications, an Artist Collection will be published in the Library.

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- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Submissions page.
- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
