Wax Poetry and Art – Mairead Connolly's Artist Page


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Mairead Connolly's Artist Page


Mairead Connolly: I am a poet who believes that writing in Scots is very important as it helps maintain a connection to where I come from. The poem is about my hometown of Dumbarton and the town feeling inescapable, complacency manifests itself for me in the form of comfort. However, I still have a love for the place and its community.

Mairead resides in Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

Mairead Connolly's Wax Poetry and Art Publications

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September 15th, 2024 in Edinburgh Poetry Magazine
Shadow o The Rock
by Mairead Connolly
(Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland)

Artist Collection Status
– 1 out of 12.
– At 12 publications, an Artist Collection will be published in the Library.

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