Wax Poetry and Art – Comet and Poetry World Criteria and Rankings


Title image shows a bright yellow sky of the sun setting behind mountains and forest.

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Wax Poetry and Art – Comet and Poetry World Criteria and Rankings

The Comet Publications: Inaugural Members

These magazines were selected based on the number of times they have appeared in the collections, Poetry World #1 to #6.

Africa Poetry Magazine
Axil Poetry and Art
Canada Poetry Magazine
Dublin Poetry Magazine
Edmonton Poetry Magazine
Eleventh Transmission
First Nations Poetry Magazine
India Poetry Magazine
Montreal Poetry Magazine
NYC Poetry Magazine
Vancouver Poetry Magazine
Wax International

Comet and Poetry World

Poetry published in a Wax Poetry and Art publication is sorted into two collections, Comet and Poetry World. To ensure that each collection is imbued with fresh poetic voices on a regular basis, a point-based system will determine how publications move from one collection to another. Scroll down below the rankings to read how points are accumulated.

Publications that win and maintain Comet status are awarded an additional contest, which creates a publication opportunity for all persons eligible to submit to that publication.

Comet and Poetry World Rankings

Comet Rankings

Round 1: Comet #1
Round 2: Comet #2
Round 3: September 15th, 2024

First: Africa Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 7          Round 2: 5          Total: 12

Second: India Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 6          Round 2: 2          Total: 8

Second: Vancouver Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 8          Round 2: 0          Total: 8

Fourth: Canada Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 5          Round 2: 1          Total: 6

Fifth: Axil Poetry and Art
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 5          Total: 5

Fifth: Edmonton Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 5          Round 2: 0          Total: 5

Seventh: Dublin Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 4          Round 2: 0          Total: 4

Eighth: First Nations Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 3          Total: 3

Ninth: NYC Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 2          Round 2: 0          Total: 2

Tenth: Wax International
Round 1: 1          Round 2: 0          Total: 1

Eleventh: Eleventh Transmission
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 0          Total: 0

Twelfth: Montreal Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 0          Total: 0

Extra points awarded:
Round 1: Canada Poetry Magazine – Two poems published in one collection.
Round 2: Africa Poetry Magazine – Second top three finish.

Poetry World Rankings

Round 1: Poetry World #8
Round 2: Poetry World #9
Round 3: September 15th, 2024

First: Texas Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 6          Round 2: 6          Total: 12

Second: South Africa Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 2          Round 2: 8          Total: 10

Third: Australia Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 7          Total: 7

Third: Nigeria Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 3          Round 2: 4          Total: 7

Fifth: New Zealand Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 5          Total: 5

Fifth: London Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 5          Round 2: 0          Total: 5

Seventh: Calgary Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 4          Round 2: 0          Total: 4

Eighth: Wales Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 3          Total: 3

Ninth: Caribbean Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 2          Total: 2

Tenth: Toronto Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 1          Round 2: 0          Total: 1

Eleventh: San Francisco Poetry Magazine
Round 1: 0          Round 2: 1          Total: 1

Promotion and Relegation

Every year, starting on September 15th, 2024, four of the 12 Comet publications will be relegated to Poetry World. At the same time, four Poetry World publications will be promoted to Comet.

Promotion and relegation will be based on points accumulated when both collections are published on January 15th, May 15th, and September 15th. Consider these publication dates as Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3.

For each collection, two aspects will be considered.
– The number of publications that appear in the collection.
– The inverse ranking of the order of publications as they appear in the collection.

How this works: Suppose 10 publications appear in a collection.
– The publication whose poem appears first in the collection will receive 10 points.
– The publication that is the last to make its initial appearance in the collection will receive 1 point.
– Publications that did not appear in the collection will accumulate 0 points.

– Publications will receive 1 additional point if they appear in all three rounds.
– Publications will receive 1 additional point each time they appear in the top three, after placing in the top three once already in a previous round. There is a special consideration for additional first place appearances, as described next.
– Publications will receive 2 additional points (instead of just 1) each time they appear first in a collection, after placing first once already in a previous round.
– Publications will receive 1 additional point for each additional poem published in a collection.

Results and Tie-Breaking
The four Comet publications with the lowest score will be relegated to Poetry World. The four Poetry World publication with the highest scores will be promoted to Comet. In the case that any number of publications are tied in points, the highest scoring round from each publication will be dropped. If there is still a tie, the highest scoring round will be dropped again. If there is still a tie at that point, the decision will be put to Google Analytics. The number of unique views for the top ranked web page will be used as the final tie-breaker.

Relegation and Promotion Changes Publication Status
Persons who make a submission during Submission period 2 (May 15th to September 14th) may be submitting to a Comet publication that ends up relegated on September 15th, or a Poetry World that is promoted. These submissions will follow their publication into their assigned collection. This is to ensure that relegated publications do not lose valuable points earned toward promotion during the following cycle.

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- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Submissions page.
- Visit the Wax Poetry and Art Library.
- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
