Wax Poetry and Art – Mary L. Robinson's Artist Page


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Mary L. Robinson's Artist Page


Mary L Robinson: I am unlettered but reasonably well read for someone of my background and inclinations. At 85 years of age, life has worn away most of my apprehension when considering the sharing of my inner thoughts and experience, as reflected in my writing. Most of my working life was spent in the developing sphere of electronics manufacturing, where a wandering mind was sometimes essential to my sanity, and gave rise to much of my poetry.

Mary L. Robinson's Wax Poetry and Art Publications

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September 15th, 2024 in Canada Poetry Magazine
Dead Thoughts (or, Moving On)
by Mary L. Robinson
(Prescott, Ontario, Canada)

Artist Collection Status
– 1 out of 12.
– At 12 publications, an Artist Collection will be published in the Library.

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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
