Poetry World Cup 2025

Welcome Message


Title image shows a globe in a wood frame and the words, Poetry World Cup 2025.

Index of Verse | Welcome | Publisher | Parade of Nations | Finalists

Poetry World Cup 2025

Welcome Message

Wax Poetry and Art welcomes poets and poetry readers from around the world to the inaugural Poetry World Cup.

The Poetry World Cup is a celebration of poetry. A celebration of poets and poetry readers everywhere, who walk so many different paths to arrive at the same place – a poem.

Ten Poetry World Cup Finalists are chosen as symbols of the poetic light that shimmers throughout humanity, across the globe.

They are the top ten most-read poems from the top ten countries published on the Wax Poetry and Art Network in 2024.

These poets' words have already resonated with an international audience.

They signify that the cities, regions, and countries they represent are thriving artistic grounds that produce world-class poetry.

Wax Poetry and Art gathers these ten poems and all poetry lovers together in one place – the Poetry World Cup 2025.

We gather to celebrate poetry by celebrating these poets and these poems. Our task is a simple and pleasurable one – read, enjoy, and share these poems.

People from all over the world will visit these pages. After three months, on April 15th, 2025, one poem will be the most-read poem of all the Poetry World Cup Finalists.

That one poem, representing one poet, one city, one region, and one country will be selected by the poetry readers of the world as the Poetry World Cup Champion.

One nation will be the first Holder of the Poetry World Cup.

Kirk Ramdath
Publisher, Editor, & Designer
Wax Poetry and Art

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- This website and all contents ©Kirk Ramdath and specified artists.
